Welcome to The Avid Bookreader

Hi there fellow avid book readers. 📚

My name is Nicholas Henry Lee (N.H. Lee) and I love learning. In fact, I did the Gallup Strengths Assessment and it turns out my Gallup Clifton Strengths #1 trait is Learner. And this is out of 34 strengths in total!

What is The Avid Bookreader?

It is a little corner in the massive World Wide Web where I hang out and share my love of learning and reading and hope to find a community of others just like me to hang out with.

Why did I start The Avid Bookreader?

The short answer is – since I love learning and I love reading, why not share my learning and my love of reading?

See here for the longer answer if you’re keen. 😀


If I could just help one person each day learn one new thing, that would put a smile on my face knowing I’ve helped a person improve themself, if only just a little bit.

What kind of content can you expect?

Currently most of my content falls into one of three series.

  • Avid Weekly Ideas - Each week I publish an idea or two either from a book I am currently reading or from my backlog of book notes. 📚 Of course, this isn’t intended to replace book notes or reading the book itself. Instead the aim is to extract a key idea or two from a book that struck me as insightful and share-worthy. Then I package it into a bite-sized digestible chunk. I hope these little nuggets of insight will spark some inspiration or ideas in your own mind. 💡

  • 1% Smarter - This series is based on the concept of continuous improvement and compounding gains which have their roots in the fields of manufacturing and finance respectively. My goal for 1% Smarter is to apply these concepts to learning. Keep making 1% improvements and before you know it you’ll have made a significant improvement in your life. 

  • I am Still Learning - (exclusive to paid newsletter - see below) - We live in the Information Age, where we are inundated with information and drowning in data. Just navigating this Tangled Web of All the Knowledge in the World gets tiring and wearies the mind, body and soul. I am Still Learning is my curation service. Every week I send out a list of 7 things I think are worth sharing - the 7 coolest things I learned or found interesting during the week.

Sometimes I may have posts of a more ad hoc nature which may not fall into any of the three categories.

Why the choice of slogan?

Michelangelo, famed Italian Renaissance artist, seems like he was a pretty cool guy.

I mean just have a look at his bio.

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, known best as simply Michelangelo, was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet of the High Renaissance born in the Republic of Florence, who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art. His artistic versatility was of such a high order that he is often considered a contender for the title of the archetypal Renaissance man, along with his rival, the fellow Florentine, Leonardo da Vinci. Several scholars have described Michelangelo as the greatest artist of his age and even as the greatest artist of all time.

Despite his great works and achievements he never lost his fiery desire to learn. These were reputedly his famous last words (apocryphal) and it captures the essence of what I hope The Avid Bookreader can become (an exhortation and encouragement to stoke the fire of learning in others).

I am still learning.

Free and Paid Newsletter

There is a free and paid option for the newsletter.

  1. Free newsletter – most of my content right now is free as I’m taking Gary Vaynerchuk’s advice on giving away your best content for free. To sign up simply click the subscribe button below and enter your email. On the subscription options page simply select None. That’s it, you’re now on the list!

  2. Paid newsletter – is mainly a curation service. I call it I am Still Learning and it is optional for those who enjoy my work and would like to support the publication, which would go a long way towards helping me devote more time towards my pursuit of lifelong learning and enable me to create more content. To sign up simply click the subscribe button below and enter your email. On the subscription options page you can select a paid option. It is a great honor to have your attention and support in an acute post-attention scarcity world. So as a bonus to welcome you and thank you for subscribing to my paid newsletter you will also receive a digital copy of my free cheat sheetHow to Read More Effectively: The 12 Things I Do to Get the Most Out of My Reading. 📕

How to Read More Effectively: The 12 Things I Do to Get the Most Out of My Reading 📚

Either way, I really appreciate the time you spent reading this publication. 🙏

As always,

Happy learning! 📚

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"I am Still Learning" - Michelangelo. A publication for lifelong learners.